Botched Ink ™ Saline Tattoo Brow Removal
Botched Ink • is a gentle yet concentrated hypertonic saline tattoo removal solution. When implanted into the skin, using a state of the art digital tattoo machine, the area dries out. If the skin contains tattoo pigment this will dry out too, lifting and removing the pigment during the skins natural healing process.
Botched Ink • doesn’t do bad brows, it fixes them!
Removing, improving or lightening pigment is a process, which may take a while. With mature or saturated tattoos expect to see a difference after 3 sessions, though full removal may take longer, if it is indeed possible.
If brown pigment was used, you are likely to see other shades of brown during the process. If pigment has healed very deeply, or covered by scar tissue, you may see the pigment getting darker in colour before it gets lighter. This is due to the pigment working its way up through layers of skin and becoming more visible before it is removed.
Tattoo removal is a process with many variables, therefore how much pigment is removed during each session, or how many sessions are needed, cannot be known or guaranteed.
A course of 3 sessions is initially recommended, but this will be discussed with your artist during your consultation.
Botched Ink • Saline Tattoo Removal cannot be performed on:
• Any open or active acne spots or wounds, active herpes outbreaks
• Warts, fungal infections or any other acute infection or inflammation of the skin
• Skin malignancies, raised moles
• Those taking blood thinning medication or have hepatitis B
• Unstable diabetes
• Active keloids
• Pregnancy or breast feeding
Botched Ink • is not recommended for those with the following:
• Hyperpigmented or hypopigmented areas anywhere on their body
• Blood clotting problems, poor healing
• Low white blood count (poor immunity)
• Lupus, vitiligo, immune system disorders (these can trigger an attack or activity)
Use Botched Ink • with caution on those:
• With a hangover (likely to blood more during treatment)
• With visible blood capillaries or thin skin (may take longer to stop bleeding)
• With visible veins (need to work at shallow depths, lift skin when working)
• Who bruise easily (likely to cause bruising), anaemia (may pass out)
• On anti-depressant medication (may trigger a bout of depression)
• With dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis, rosacea (dormant or low inflammation only)
• On pain medication (likely to find treatment painful)
• Have managed diabetes, smoker (slow healing)
• With asthma, hay fever, allergies (histamine reaction to needling)
Patch Testing
• Was the tattoo itchy during initial healing
• Its unknown if a client will have a reaction to the tattoo pigment when it is released
• Allergy risk to aloe vera
• Sign waiver, talk to insurance company
Initial session £105 (inclusive of prescribed aftercare)
Additional sessions £80
First 48 hours:
Any redness surrounding treated area subsides within an hour or two
Redness within the area becomes brown as the skin dries out
The area must be allowed to fully dry out over the next 48 hours
For most people the area is touch dry within the first few hours
Only touch the area with very clean hands, ideally no touching for 48 hours
If the skin is not allowed to dry out quickly you will not get the best results
Do not use any other aftercare products during this initial drying out phase
Do not get the area wet, dirty or sweaty for 48 hours
After 48 hours:
The area is now very dry, and a light scab will have formed
You may visibly see pigment in the scab
After 48 hours you must use the prescribed aftercare directly on and slightly around the scab
Use twice daily, leaving only a light film on the scab
This will maintain a soft thin scab, which heals quicker and is easier to manage
You can now get the area lightly wet when washing and showering, though avoid touching the area
After any wetness, gently hold a clean tissue on the scab to dry it out
No excessive wetting the area, no swimming etc while the scab is on
Depending on the area treated, the scab will remain firmly attached fro 5-14 days
Excessive movements are likely to crack the scab, which is not ideal for easy healing
Do not attempt to remove the scab before it naturally heals away from the area
After the scab heals off:
Use prescribed aftercare until the area returns to a normal colour.The next treatment can be carried out after 8 weeks, or longer. Leave a longer time if the skin has not returned to a normal colour. If brown pigment was used, you are likely to see other shades of brown during the process. If pigment has healed very deeply, or covered by scar tissue, you may see the pigment getting darker in colour before it gets lighter. This is due to the pigment working its way up through layers of skin and becoming more visible before it is removed.
For those prone to hyperpigmentation, you will follow the same aftercare for the first 48 hours. However, after the 48 hours it is vitally important that the scab and surrounding skin must not be allowed to dry out and further as hyperpigmentation can occur, caused by the drying out. At all times and until the skin returns to a normal colour, use the prescribed aftercare to prevent the skin from drying
Failure to follow these aftercare instructions may reduce the effect of the treatment and may result in undesired problems such as hyperpigmentation, scaring or infection. I cannot give medical advice in the unlikely event of an infection, so immediately seek attention from a GP or pharmacist.